Publication 6
text window .src
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Commodore BASIC
64 lines
1 dim z$(31):poke53280,0:poke53281,0
3 print"[147] [198][207][210] [193][160][208][210][201][206][212][197][196] [195][207][208][217]":print" [207][198][160][212][200][197][160][196][207][195][211], [212][213][210][206]"
5 print" [217][207][213][210][160][208][210][201][206][212][197][210][160][207][206]":print" [193][206][196][160][200][201][212] <[210][197][212][213][210][206]>."
7 print" [212][207] [208][210][201][206][212] [196][207][195][211] [212][207]":print" [217][207][213][210] [211][195][210][197][197][206], [200][201][212]":print" [212][200][197] <[211][208][193][195][197]>[160][194][193][210]."
10 printtab(3)"[213][211][197][160][195][213][210][211][207][210][160][203][197][217][211][160][212][207][160][195][207][206][212][210][207][204][160][215][201][206][196][207][215].
13 [153]"";:[153][163]20)"ortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
15 [129]r[178]1[164]9:[153][163]20)"(NULL)wait (NULL)wait":[130]r
20 [153][163]20)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
25 [129]r[178]1[164]31:[135]z$(r):[130]r:r[178]1:a[178]1:b[178]1
27 [137] 45
30 c[178]0:[151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
35 [139]a$[178]""[167]a[178]a[170]1:[139]a[177]23[167]a[178]a[171]1:[137]30
36 [139] a$[178]" "[167]70
37 [139]a$[178]"cmd"[167]a[178]a[171]1:[139]a[179]1[167]a[178]a[170]1:[137]30
39 [139] a$[178][199](13)[167]60
40 [139]a$[178]""[167]b[178]b[170]1:[139]b[177]23[167]b[178]b[171]1:[137]30
43 [139]a$[178]"on"[167]b[178]b[171]1:[139]b[179]1[167]b[178]b[170]1:[137]30
45 [153]"";:[129]t[178]0[164]8:b$(c)[178][202](z$(b[170]t),a,17)
50 [153][163]21)b$(c):[130]:[137]30
60 [156]:[134]a$(28):[159]4,4,7
65 [129]r[178]1[164]28:[135]a$(r):[152]4,a$(r):[130]:[160]4:[138]
70 [156]:[134]a$(28):[153]"load";
75 [129]r[178]1[164]20:[135]a$(r):[153]a$(r):[130]
80 [153][163]14)"left$right$(NULL)closeatn(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)val(NULL)"
83 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]b$:b$[178]""
85 [129]r[178]19[164]28:[135]a$(r):[153]a$(r):[130]
87 [153][163]14)"left$right$(NULL)closeatn(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)val(NULL)"
90 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]b$:[138]
998 [131] " "
999 [131] " lenval(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)right$atn(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)val presents: "
1000 [131] " "
1001 [131] " (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)right$(NULL)str$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) "
1002 [131] " "
1003 [131] " (NULL)his is the peekatn(NULL)right$len version of "
1004 [131] " (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)right$(NULL)str$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL). right$t was programmed on "
1005 [131] " (NULL)ovember 5th, 1987 by chr$eoff (NULL)aylor. "
1006 [131] " (NULL)his program can easily be added "
1007 [131] " to your own programs. right$f all you want "
1008 [131] " to change is the (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) then simply "
1009 [131] " change the text in the str$atn(NULL)atn "
1010 [131] " statements. peekvalclose(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val (NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL) lenleft$atn(NULL)chr$val (NULL)left$val "
1011 [131] " (NULL)right$(NULL)val (NULL)ascclose(NULL)left$valclosestr$atn(NULL)atnclose(NULL)right$(NULL)val(NULL)!!!! "
1012 [131] " right$f you want to change window size"
1013 [131] " you must change the length of the "
1014 [131] " window in lines 15 and 20. atnlso, to "
1015 [131] " change the height of the window you "
1016 [131] " need to modify the asc(NULL)(NULL)/(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) in "
1017 [131] " line 17. "
1018 [131] " (NULL)o change the dimensions of the "
1019 [131] " window as a whole you need to modify "
1020 [131] " the dimensioned z$ in line 1 to the "
1021 [131] " number of lines you want total. atnlso, "
1022 [131] " you need to modify the asc(NULL)(NULL)/(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) "
1023 [131] " in line 25 to match the size of the "
1024 [131] " str$right$(NULL) z$. (NULL)ith that, lines 35 - 43 also "
1025 [131] " need to be modified. (NULL)astly, line 45 "
1026 [131] " needs to be set to equal the size of "
1027 [131] " the window. "
1028 [131] " "
2000 [153]"load";
2003 [129]r[178]1[164]24:[153]"stop wait";:[130]
2005 [153]" ";
2010 [142]